Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend 2016

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Let's not forget what today is about. I pray for the families that have lost loved ones protecting our country and our freedom. We will never forget those who paid the ultimate price for us.

This weekend was definitely not relaxing to us. My husband worked really hard on finishing my bed, and then we had to start painting the inside of our house.

My beautiful bed that my husband spent so much time making. 

I haven't been blogging much lately because honestly I haven't had time. I work all day homeschooling, doing my regular chores, and then working on this house. See, we still rent, which I hate, but it was the best choice for us right now. If you remember in my previous posts about this move. we looked at houses, and they would get taken right out from under us before we could even get our application in.

The house that we ended up getting was 2nd on my list. It was perfect size for us, but it just wasn't my first pic. Mainly because the yard is super small....I mean seriously almost non existent. The day we did the walk through, (well it was actually evening) there were no blinds open. There was only a little bit of artificial light. Fast forward to move in day. We open the door, and then the blinds. There all over the walls, are the very distinct touch up marks that someone painted on the the wrong color. It looks AWFUL. This is a nice house...and someone has gone and ruined it. So, my husand and I get to paint the entire house. Will it look better? Yes. Should it have been done before we moved in? ABSOLUTELY.

We have had numerous issues with this house already, and I am pretty much feeling like we got a lemon. They are fixing things somewhat, but I am so tired of having to call them. I should be unpacked right now, but I'm not. I'm having to wait until we paint...and it's a slow process!

So, that's what we did all weekend...after my husband fixed the garage door. Have you ever seen the movie the Money Pit? Let's just say I'm glad we didn't buy this house.

The upside...we have the cutest little bunnies in our neighborhood. They just hop down the sidewalk all precious like they are. That's my silver lining on this house!

Have a great week and just think...It's already Tuesday!

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