Thanksgiving 2015 has come and gone. I hope everyone ate good food and made lots of memories. We had a wonderful time back in our home town visiting our friends and family. It was such a busy time that I didn't even have time to turn my computer on!

I spent most of my time with my beautiful grand baby, Mila Rose. What a blessing she is!! It is amazing what a few months time does to change a baby. She has gone from just being cute and cuddly to a wiggly, rolling, crawling, constantly moving little ball of joy. She is one of the happiest babies I've ever seen! She loves to play pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo. She can say baby, and ba ba, mama, dada, and bye bye. She loves to look at herself on my phone and say "baby baby". It's absolutely precious. I am so thankful for her. She brings me a joy and happiness that I can't even explain. I wasn't sure what to expect when I had grandchildren, but I can tell you that I would take a 100 more. They are absolutely precious little gifts. I hate that I live so far away from her. It makes it very hard to leave to come back home! This was the best Thanksgiving so far. I had my sweet husband, my 4 wonderful kids, and this new addition to our family. I thank God everyday for these blessings that he's so graciously given me.
Probably one of the most special things that happened this Thanksgiving is a memory and a lesson that was taught to my 10 year old Gavin. My mother in law had gone to an auto parts store on Wednesday to get a part for my father in laws truck. It had broke down unexpectedly and he needed to get it fixed asap. A young homeless man was there and they struck up a conversation. In the conversation she asked him if he knew Jesus, and he said that he didn't. He said that there was so many bad things going on in his life that he didn't feel that it was the right time to know him. She told him it is the PERFECT time to get to know Jesus and that He loves him no matter what he was going through! They prayed the prayer of salvation together and she told him to meet her there on Thanksgiving at 2 p.m and she would bring him dinner.

Well if you know Gavin and his heart then you know that he wants to feed and shelter every person that is homeless and hungry. When he found out that Mam-Maw was bringing Thanksgiving dinner to this young man, he wanted to help. What a humbling experience for this 10 year old boy. He saw first hand the gratitude and pure appreciation this young man had for a meal provided by a stranger. Gavin decided that he wanted to give him the $3 that he had so that he could also have a meal for Friday. He thanked Gavin and said that he was going to eat his (3 plates full) of food on a park bench near by. I believe that God places people in your life at certain times for different reasons. I believe that he placed my mother in law in his path so that he could have a meal for Thanksgiving and at least go one night without being hungry. Remember the saying, "You may be the only Jesus that person sees." How true that is!
On another note, I have some wonderful news to report! I have been chosen to be a member of the Homeschool Review Crew for 2016! I am super excited about this! I can't wait to use new products and give a personal review of each one! I know that I don't order anything before reading reviews on it. It's helps so much to see how someone else used a product and what they think of it. I hope to give you the most thorough review of each product that I'm offered.
I'm off to get the Christmas tree and all of the decorations out of the attic. It's that time of year again! The kids won't let me go another day! Have a blessed week everyone!