I absolutely love audio dramas and reviewing them is always so much fun for our family! We were really excited to be able to listen to Season 6: Underground Rising by Brinkman Adventures.
If you have never heard of audio adventures or audio dramas before, let me tell you, they are a lot of fun. Before I had ever listened to one, I thought it was going to be like an audio book, but that's not the case at all! It's almost like listening to a movie, but to me even better than that. There is no picture for you to see, so they have to use sounds and music to really give you the full effect. Brinkman Adventures has brought these episodes in Season 6 to life!
For our review we were given the digital version so that we could download and listen immediately. I love this option because I can email myself the links and we can listen on my phone. With it being portable, this would be a great program to listen to while on a road trip. The entire Season runs a little over 2 hours. Each episode is around 25 minutes long so you could just break it down and listen a little at a time.
Another great way to use this product is if you wanted to use it as a devotional time. Each episode is a story but also how these people had faith in God.
I love that these stories are based on actual events. The Brinkman's are a real family, but have changed the names for the stories. That makes them even more appealing to me. The stories are so well told that you feel like you are a part of them and know this family! After listening to the episodes, do yourself a favor and go check out their Real Stories page. I enjoyed reading this page almost as much as listening to the stories themselves! It gives you all kinds of back ground info and behind the scenes for each story!
I wanted to talk about which of the episodes were our favorite but it was honestly hard to choose! Every single one was perfect in it's own way. The first episode was about two young girls who go to visit their Omie (great grandmother) in Canada. After a long trek to her house, they want to curl up into her cute little cottage and hear the story of their Opie and his involvement in the Dutch Resistance. We really loved all of the action in this one, and there was plenty of excitement to keep you on the edge of your seat. Another favorite was Twice Born Fly...this was absolutely precious. It's the story all about following Jesus and having faith in him. I loved how they had a real day of rest and some family time. This sparked a story from the Dad and a dream he had. His dream was a good description of how we should follow Jesus and have faith and trust in Him. It also explains how we can give our hearts to Jesus and live for him...another words how we can be born again with a new heart!
Ok, the crowning jewel for us, my son especially was I Wonder Why. This was such a blessing to our family because the entire story surrounds a little boy with allergies. Our son also has severe food allergies, so it was extremely relatable! This is the story of a family who is needing to really see Jesus move in their lives. They are called by the Lord to travel to India to love kids in an orphanage. They walk through many trials while they are there, and really started questioning whether God wanted them to be there or not. Soon they see how God's plan is specially made for them and why being obedient to him is so important. Great episode!
There are so many ways to use this from devotional time to family time. I hope you will give at least one of the seasons from Brinkman Adventures a try! Start with Season 1 and work your way to Season 6! You won't be disappointed!
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